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EA & DE to facilitate and encourage IME

1998 Education Order: 89.—(1) It shall be the duty of the Department to encourage and facilitate the development of Irish-medium education. 2016: “Weir [DUP] adopted an ‘English first’ policy”
EA & DE to facilitate and encourage IME

This is what ‘ending the preferential treatment to Irish Schools’ (that the DUP proudly announced they would do before Assembly election in 2016) looks like. Removing any semblance of Irish from a gov dept catering to well over 6,000 children being educated through Irish.

2 important questions that need answered: Did civil service inform Minister Weir that his directive was in breach of GFA and other treaties? And why, 2 years after his departure, do they continue with this discriminatory policy?

At a time when Irish medium education is undergoing massive growth (while numbers fall in education generally) you would think that the Education Authority would be providing more services through Irish not withdrawing the few that were available.

How does this align with the statutory duty on the Department of Education to ‘encourage and facilitate the development of Irish medium education’? High court ruling determined that this was ‘to have practical consequences and was not merely aspirational’ - practical things like logos etc.

An litir dhearg

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