

Make a demand for Irish language signage for your street.

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Bilingual Béal Feirste

Make a submission to Belfast City Council's consultation on their draft Irish-language policy.

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Make a submission to Derry City and Strabane District Council's consultation on their Draft Dual Language Street Signage policy.

Do it now


Send an email to Ireland's political leaders demanding a boycott of official Saint Patrick's day celebrations in the US!

Déan anois é


Send an email to Ireland's political leaders demanding action on Palestine NOW!

Do it now


Make a submission to Belfast City Council’s ongoing consultation into the erection of bilingual (Irish/English) signage at Olympia Leisure Centre.

Do it now

Stad an slad!

Send an email to the Permanent Secretary of the Department of Education, Mark Browne, urging him to urgently reconsider the proposed cuts to Irish language services.

Act now

Gaelvóta 2023

Who are the candidates in your area and what's their stance on Irish language issues?

Ask them now

An litir dhearg

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