This campaign is now over.
Between May 2023 and August 2023, 630 people used this tool to take part in Belfast City Council’s consultation regarding dual language signage at the Olympia Leisure Centre on Boucher Road. The consultation responses are currently being analysed by the Council.
Belfast City Council are currently conducting a 14 week consultation into the erection of bilingual (Irish/English) signage at Olympia Leisure Centre, a shared space and designated city-wide facility, which is located on the Boucher Road of Belfast.
The decision to erect bilingual signage at Olympia Leisure Centre has already been politically agreed on two occasions, but following a call-in from the DUP, the Council are now seeking to determine whether the erection of bilingual signs could have a potential adverse impact (ie whether this decision could have or will immediately lead to the discriminatory detriment of one or more groups of people).
It has never been demonstrated how bilingual signage in a shared space, consistent with the recommendations of a series of international experts, treaties and guidance, could have a negative impact on any section of any community. The Olympia Leisure Centre is a shared, public space, used by a broad range of people, with Scoil an Droichid using their facilities on a weekly basis and Gaelscoil na bhFál being the closest school in proximity to the leisure centre. Shared spaces are not shared if they exclude the Irish language.
If you would like to take part and would like the below email to be sent in as part of the consultation process, please fill out all required fields.
Please note that no data or personal details will be shared by either An Dream Dearg or Belfast City Council.