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This campaign is now over.

Between June and July 2024, 241 of you used this tool to support a progressive street signage policy from Derry City and Strabane District Council. The Council are currently considering the responses to the public consultation.

Derry City and Strabane District Council are currently consulting on their draft dual language street signage policy; the Council passed a motion in 2021 supporting the lowering of threshold of support for successful applications from 66% to 15%, in keeping with the recommendations of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on minority issues.

The Council are gathering responses regarding their draft equality impact assessment, as well as the mitigations they have recommended within the policy itself. Among those mitigations, unsuccessful applications will be subject to a 3-year ban before being able to re-apply, and the Council will also be gathering equality monitoring data to assess the policy impacts, something which is not in place in any other street signage policy.

Below is an official response to their consultation, outlining the above concerns, along with a few others; simply fill in your details and the below email will be sent to the relevant department within the council.

The email text: