Cartlann na Meán

Belfast City Council's draft Irish language policy opens for consultation

It is the first draft policy to be brought forward as part of the council’s Language Strategy, which provides a framework for promoting, protecting and enhancing the city’s linguistic diversity and ensuring Belfast is a welcoming city for everyone.
Belfast City Council's draft Irish language policy opens for consultation
Alt ar fáil i mBéarla amháin

A PUBLIC consultation has opened for people to give their feedback on Belfast City Council’s draft Irish language policy.

The draft policy sets out how the council plans to promote Irish and use Irish across its services, including interpreting and translation, key documents and publications, signage at facilities, on the council website and within the council’s corporate identity, including its logo.

It is the first draft policy to be brought forward as part of the council’s Language Strategy, which provides a framework for promoting, protecting and enhancing the city’s linguistic diversity and ensuring Belfast is a welcoming city for everyone. The other strands in the strategy are Ulster-Scots, sign language (British Sign Language and Irish Sign Language), communicating with those with disabilities and minority ethnic communities.

The proposals included in the draft Irish language policy were agreed by elected members in April. Once the consultation closes, elected members will review the feedback received and agree the next steps in developing a final Irish language policy.

Belfast City Council staff have also been invited to share their feedback, and consultation is also taking place with trade unions.

Both the draft policy and the consultation questions can be accessed via the Your Say Belfast platform at

The consultation is open for 14 weeks, closing at midnight on Thursday 28 November.

Five in-person and online information sessions have also been organised and will take place on:

Thursday 5 September, 7pm – St Mary’s University College 
Wednesday 2 October, 2pm – online 
Tuesday 8 October, 7pm – online 
Wednesday 9 October, 6pm – An Droichead, Ormeau Road
Wednesday 30 October, 4pm – 2 Royal Avenue

To register, visit

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